API 580 Risk-Based Inspection Practice Questions (Part 1)API 580 Risk-Based Inspection

RBI is a process for making decisions that optimizes inspection schedules. The idea behind the RBI is that failure risk may be evaluated in relation to an acceptable level, and that risk can be kept below that limit by inspection and repair.

1) In RBI, which of the following is the term for an event at a facility that is caused by something beyond the direct or indirect control of employees?:

A)Indeterminate event.

B)External event. Right

C)Unassigned event.

D)Relative risk.

2) As a member of an RBI assessment team, an equipment inspector or inspection specialist is responsible for:

A)Gathering data on the condition and history of the equipment. Right

B)Documenting the RBI assessment.

C)Following to ensure that appropriate risk mitigation has been implemented.

D)Assessing the types of deterioration mechanisms and their applicability and severity.

3) This risk to a given facility, process unit, system, equipment item, or component as compared to similar item is referred to as:

A)Absolute Risk.

B)Relative Risk. Right

C)Qualitative risk.

D)Quantitative risk.

4) RBI is focused on the systematic determination of:

A)Consequence risk.

B)Inspection risk.

C)Absolute risk.

D)Relative risk. Right

5) Residual risk is defined as the:

A)Acceptable risk threshold by the site risk management process.

B)Risk identified after RBI analysis.

C)Risk that remains after inspection.

D)Risk that remains after mitigation. Right

6) Risk based inspection is:

A)Used by many companies, government, and regulatory authorities to determine risk acceptance.

B)Containment of equipment. Right

C)Primarily intended to be utilized to reduce total life cycles costs.

D)A tool for which the data remains current as long as the operating parameters do not change.

7) Which of the following statements is correct with regards to assumptions in an RBI analysis shows the nature and extent of equipment deterioration?:

A)They should be clearly documented in the final assessment. Right

B)They are often unpredictable.

C)They must be confirmed by a corrosion engineer.

D)They can be risky unless corroborated by field observations.

8) Which of the following should be identified at the beginning of an RBI assessment?:

A)Data to be used. Right

B)Plans used by similar facilities.

C)Person with sole responsibility for preparing the plan.

D)Person who will obtain jurisdictional authority approval.

9) Which type of RBI typically requires detailed information and data for models?:

A)Quantitative. Right




10) Inspectors and inspection engineers typically reduce the risk associated with deterioration mechanisms by reducing:

A)Only the probability of failure. Right

B)Primarily the consequence of failure.

C)Both the probability and consequence of failure.

D)The intervals between inspection.

11) The accuracy of results from a qualitative analysis depends on:

A)the discrete values of the input data.

B)Whether performed by an owner/user or non-owner/user.

C)The background and expertise of the analysis. Right

D)The integration of detailed assessments.

12) How does an ISO-risk line on a risk plot help with inspection planning?:

A)It shows how risks are changing over time.

B)It improves understanding of the relative risks of equipment. Right

C)It determines the urgency of the next inspection.

D)It assists in optimizing the inspection and mitigation plans.

13) The removal of deadleg is an example of:

A)Modifying the process.

B)Mitigation the probability of failure. Right

C)Modifying the physical design to control inventory.

D)Mitigating the consequence of failure.

14) In RBI process, internal inspection:

A)is the preferred method of inspection.

B)May actually increase risk to an item. Right

C)Eliminates the need for external inspection.

D)Is worth the additional cost.

15 In RBI the inspection plan should specify the:

A) Type, scope and timing of inspection. Right

B) Risk ranking of each piece of equipment.

C) Deterioration mechanisms and anticipated failure modes.

D) Probability of failure before mitigation.

16) When risk acceptability criteria are being established, it is generally recognized that:

A)Every failure will lead to an undesirable incident of serious consequence.

B)Some incidents of serious consequence have a very high probability.

C)Every failure will lead to some undesirable consequence.

D)Not every failure will lead to an undesirable incident or consequence. Right
17 Which of the following is methodology that will increase precision of an RBI analysis?:

A)A high level of confidence in all previous inspection techniques.

B)Identifying and assessing all probable deterioration mechanisms.

C)The use of high-quality data and knowledgeable personnel. Right

D)A quantitative assessment approach that uses logic and physical models.

18) All of the following are essential elements of an RBI program except:

A)Documented method of managing risk through inspection and mitigation activities.

B)Management system for maintaining documentation and analysis updates.

C)Process hazard analysis to verify the adequacy of unit design. Right

D)Documented method of determining failure probability and consequence.

19) Which of the following is a major deterioration mechanism category in the hydrocarbon and chemical industry?:

A)Mechanical damage. Right

B)Brittle fracture.

C)Material thickness.

D)Weld defect.

20) The RBI methodology is intended to:

A)Complement over safety initiatives. Right

B)Replace mechanical integrity programs.

C)Replace overly restrictive regulatory requirements.

D)Replace intrusive inspection.

21) Inspection activities help manage risk by:

A)Mitigation risk.

B)Reducing uncertainty. Right

C)Identifying risk.

D)Identifying deterioration mechanisms.

22) In RBI assessment, the purpose of establishing operational boundaries is to:

A)Identify key process parameters that may impact deterioration. Right

B)Avoid unanticipated deterioration.

C)Exclude non-normal operating anomalies.

D)Ensure that a unit operates within an acceptable design envelope.

23) The plan resulting from a detailed description of an RBI assessment for each piece of equipment will specify:

A)Proposed mitigation plans.

B)Consequence and probability of failure.

C)Timing of inspections. Right

D)Risk levels before inspection.

24) An RBI program should:

A)Be utilized for continuous improvement.

B)Document its method of determining probability and consequence of failure.

C)Identify all possible consequence of failure.

D)Reduce the overall risk for the equipment and facility being assessed. Right

25) Which of the following is not an expression of frequency?:

A)Failures per run.

B)Mils per year. Right

C)Low rate.

D)Failures per year.

26) If the scope of an assessment is a multi-unit facility, then the first step in the application of RBI is:

A)Screening process units to rank relative risks. Right

B)Collecting data and information on each process unit.

C)Establishing the operating boundaries of the equipment.

D)Selecting the type and level of RBI assessment to be conducted.

27) In which of the following situations is there usually a potential risk management through inspection?:

A)Risk is dominated by consequence.

B)Deterioration mechanism is high-cycle fatigue cracking.

C)Risk is dominated by probability. Right

D)Failures are even driven.

28) Inspection optimization is:

A)The next generation of inspection programs after time-based and condition-based inspection.

B)The point at which additional inspection begins to show a diminishing reduction of risk. Right

C)Continuous improvement of the RBI program with risk reassessment for changing conditions.

D)The lowest possible total cost for an inspection program.

29) Consequence is defined as:

A)Outcome of an event. Right

B)Failure of pressure equipment.

C)A negative event.

D)Occurrence of a particular set of circumstances.

30) With regard to environmental consequences, the RBI program typically focuses on:

A)Carcinogenic agents.

B)Chronic risks.

C)Acute risks. Right

D)Long-terms risks.

31) The RBI process is expected to:

A)Calculate a risk level for every piece of pressure equipment in a plant.

B)Establish an acceptable risk level for the inspection, repair or replacement activity.

C)Determine linkage of risks with appropriate inspection or other risk mitigation activities. Right

D)Present all risk management activities for reducing likelihood and consequence failure.

32) Which of the following is an example of a failure mode?:

A)Loss of strength.

B)A small hole. Right

C)Fatigue damage.

D)Chloride stress corrosion.

33) Which of the following statements about the risk mitigation activities is correct?:

A)All methods reduce the magnitude of consequence or the probability of failure.

B)Inspection is not always the most cost effective method. Right

C)The most important method is equipment repair and replacement.

D)Inspection is the most cost effective method.

34) Metallurgical and environmental deterioration typically involve:

A)Loss of ductility and strength.

B)Mechanical and/or physical property deterioration. Right

C)High temperature creep and/or cracking.

D)High temperature hydrogen attach. (HTHA)

35) Which of the following is one of the primary considerations in determining failure probability?:

A)Age of equipment.

B)Failure mode.

C)Deterioration mechanisms. Right

D)Inspection effectiveness.

36) The time frame over which an RBI analysis is applicable should:

A)Be based only on the time dependence of deterioration mechanisms.

B)Be defined and captured in the final documentation. Right

C)Be considered in the analysis but not included in the final documentation.

D)Not be allowed to unduly influence the tracking and management risk.

37) Analysis and probability of failure should address:

A)Potential for adverse consequences resulting from a release.

B)Failure modes that will lead to the highest consequence.

C)All deterioration mechanisms to which the equipment is susceptible. Right

D)Anything that might cause a release of hazardous substances.

38) Which of the following statements is correct with regard to establishing an inspection strategy?:

A)The level of risk reduction achieved by the inspection is not related to the interval between deterioration state and equipment failure.

B)Inspection is only effective if the technique adequately detects the severity of deterioration. Right

C)High risk equipment items require more extensive methods of nondestructive evaluation.

D)The close the equipment is to retirement, the greater the need for frequent inspections.

39) With regard to initial assumptions in RBI analysis, which of the following statements is correct?:

A)Consequence and probability estimates that are too conservative can result in unnecessarily inflated calculated risks. Right

B)Consequence and probability estimates that are more conservative with result in less intrusive inspections.

C)Conservative consequence and probability estimates will be necessary to meet regulatory requirements.

D)Conservative consequence and probability estimates result in improved regulatory compliance.

40) Risk management through inspections may have little or no effect in situations involving:

A)New equipment with unknown corrosion rates.

B)Low consequence of failure.

C)A long time between onset deterioration and final failure.

D)Instantaneous failures related to operating conditions. Right

41) One of the factors in determining the probability of failure caused by deterioration is the:

A)Uncertainty of process operations.

B)Maximum allowable working pressure.

C)Likelihood of rupture.

D)Rate of deterioration. Right

42) An RBI assessment should be conducted after all of the following except:

A)An equipment re-rate. Right

B)Each significant change of risk.

C)Implementation of mitigation strategies.

D)A default maximum time period.

43) The qualification for risk analysis for RBI include:

A)Materials and corrosion.

B)Knowledge of the process unit.

C)API RBI certification.

D)Detailed training on the RBI methodology being used. Right

44) Risk is defined as the combination of the:

A)Probability of failure and probability of consequences.

B)Probability of an event and its consequences. Right

C)Loss of containment.

D)Probability of failure from identified deterioration mechanisms.

45) Probability of failure is most commonly expressed in terms of:

A)Events per year.

B)Number of events.

C)Frequency. Right

D)Likelihood of failure mode.

46) Key elements of an RBI program include:

A)Identification of equipment that does not require inspection or other means of reducing the likelihood of failure.

B)An overall reduction in risk for the facilities and all the equipment assessed.

C)An acceptance and understanding of the risk for each item before and after inspection.

D)Management system for maintaining documentation, personnel qualifications, data requirements, and analysis updates. Right

47) Which of the following is least likely to require a risk-based inspection (RBI) reassessment?:

A)Changing process conditions to more aggressive feedstock.

B)Installation of effective risk mitigation devices.

C)Increases of rates of deterioration mechanisms.

D)Changing from internal to on-stream inspections. Right

48) Which of the following statements is correct with regard to equipment items with risks deemed acceptable by RBI analysis?:

A)Inspection interval should be lengthened.

B)Inspection effectiveness should be adjusted.

C)Equipment should be removed from inspection programs.

D)No further mitigation is necessary. Right

49) Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the results of quantitative analysis?:

A)They normally provide an initial screening with which to rank units for attention.

B)They are usually numeric and should be comparable. Right

C)They must be included in the documentation of any RBI evaluation.

D)They are more accurate than the results of qualitative analysis.

50) RBI contributes to reduction of overall life-cycle costs by:

A)Using less expensive inspection techniques.

B)Increasing the number of internal inspections.

C)Increasing the number of nonintrusive inspections.

D)Cost Benefit Assessments. Right

51) For RBI methods, sensitivity analysis is:

A)Employed only when the risk matrix indicates that the risk is high.

B)Normally employed to determine the effects of dominant failure mechanisms for each piece of equipment studied.

C)A review of input variables in a risk calculation to determine their influence on the risk variables. Right

D)Based on statistical analysis that uses historical data gathered from a particular facility to develop a better understanding of the risk value.

52) Which of the following statements is correct with regard to equipment items with risks deemed acceptable by RBI analysis?

A)Inspection interval should be tightened.

B)Inspection effectiveness should be adjusted.

C)Equipment should be removed from inspection programs.

D)No further mitigation is necessary. Right

53) Which of the following statements is correct with regard to the results of quantitative analysis?:

A)They normally provide an initial screening with which to rank units for attention.

B)They are usually numeric and should be comparable. Right

C)They must be included in the documentation of any RBI evaluation.

D)They are more accurate that the results of a qualitative analysis.

54) In RBI, residual factors for loss of containment include all of the following except:

A)Human Error.

B)Unknown mechanisms of deterioration.

C)Inspection efforts. Right

D)Secondary effects from nearby units.

55) Compared to quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis using broad ranges generally requires:

A)A lower level of judgement, skill, and understanding.

B)Greater accuracy in data input to compensate for lower precision of the models.

C)Higher level of judgment, skill, and understanding. Right

D)Better training in understanding the impact of data quality.

56) In RBI investigation, consequence analysis is intended to provide a measure of the:

A)Mitigations necessary to reduce risk.

B)Overall risk of a potential failure.

C)Maximum liability for a failure.

D)Significance of a potential failure. Right

57) Risk reduction is:

A)Synonymous with risk management.

B)Synonymous with inspection optimization.

C)Part of risk management. Right

D)Achieved only by inspection.

58) The value of a qualitative approach is that:

A)the risk assessment process is much faster.

B)It uses logic models that depict combinations of events.

C)It enables completion of a risk assessment in the absence of detailed data. Right

D)It produces relative risk numbers rather than absolute risk numbers.

59) RBI contributes to reduction of overall life-cycle costs by:

A)using less expensive inspection techniques.

B)Increasing the number of internal inspections.

C)Increasing the number of non-intrusive inspections.

D)Enhancing the prediction of failure caused by deterioration mechanisms. Right

60) Which of the following is the most important to the success of risk management by emergency isolation?

A)Operations surveillance.

B)Chain-wheel-operated gate valves.

C)Fire deluge systems.

D)Proper isolation valve locations. Right

61) For RBI methods, sensitivity analysis is:

A)Employed only when the risk matrix indicates that the risk is high.

B)Normally employed to determine the effects of dominate failure mechanisms for each piece of equipment studied.

C)A review of input variables in a risk calculation to determine their influence on the risk variables. Right

D)Based on statistical analysis that uses historical data gathered from a particular facility to develop a better understanding of the risk value.

Also Read More Questions & Right Answer.

62) The suitability and current condition of equipment within the current operating envelope will determine the:

A)Consequence of failure.

B)Probability of failure. Right

C)Total risk.


63 The urgency of performing inspection activities depends primarily upon:

A)The magnitude of the consequence.

B)The level of unmitigated risk. Right

C)Previous inspection findings and corrosion rates.

D)Jurisdictional requirements.

64) Which of the following statements is correct with regards to use of RBI for managing inspection costs?

A)Equipment integrity should remain the primary focus. Right

B)RBI will eliminate some inspections.

C)In-Stream inspections are not as effective as internal inspections.

D)RBI will probably raise the total costs of inspection for a given unit.

65) A computerized database is:
A)Required for inspection record keeping.
B)Necessary for conducting the risk analysis.
C)Important for stewarding recommendations. Right
D)Necessary for categorizing the risk levels and risk management.

66) Which of the following may make it impractical to reduce some risks to an acceptable level?

A)Labor constraints.

B)Cost constraints. Right

C)Regulatory requirements.

D)Production needs.

67) This risk to a given facility, process unit, system, equipment item, or component as compared to similar item is referred to as:

A)Absolute Risk.

B)Relative Risk. Right

C)Qualitative risk.

D)Quantitative risk.

68) It should be noted that damage mechanisms are not the only causes of loss of containment. Other causes of loss of containment could include but are not limited to the following, except: (9.1)

A)Seismic activity.

B)Operator error.

C)Equipment review. Right


E)Design error

69) As is true in any inspection program, data validation is essential for a number of reasons. Among the reasons for inspection data quality errors are all of the following, except:

A)Outdated drawings and documentation.

B)Measurement equipment accuracy.

C)High corrosion rates. Right

D)Clerical and data transcription errors.

28 thoughts on “API 580 Risk-Based Inspection Practice Questions (Part 1)API 580 Risk-Based Inspection

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