What is the job of a housekeeping cleaner, and what is asked in the interview? You can read it step-by-step in this article.
1) Give me a little background about yourself. I have over ten years of experience working as a cleaner in businesses, residential and corporate buildings, and schools. I am very skilled at cleaning tasks using the proper tools and materials. I enjoy what I do and always try to improve and learn more about it.

2) What are some of the tasks you have completed in your role as a cleaner? I have been very busy as a cleaner, handling a variety of tasks like mopping and sweeping, cleaning countertops, and cleaning carpets and draperies. I have also handled tasks like carrying out and recording regular maintenance and inspection procedures, as well as stocking and keeping supply rooms and managing trash.
3) Your acquaintance who works as a cleaner for your company told me that you were seeking more cleaners to round out the squad; therefore, that is how you found out about this job.
4) I have experience utilizing vacuum cleaners, dust extractors, floor buffers, utility carts, and automatic floor scrubbers. What types of cleaning equipment are you familiar with?

5) What attributes make you the best person for this job? I am a seasoned cleaner with extensive knowledge of sophisticated cleaning techniques. I also get along well with people, have great communication skills, and can fully take and follow instructions. Finally, I am always on time and have a history of upholding high standards of hygiene and cleanliness at my previous jobs.
6) Which type of behavior from other people annoys you the most, and how do you deal with it? To be honest, I do not find it offensive when someone uses bad language; therefore, I normally do not react to it; instead, I just remain silent and carry on with my work.
Also read more: Housekeeping Cleaner Interview
7) I am trained in the safe and environmentally responsible disposal of trash and have experience using shovels and snow blowers to clear snow from sidewalks. Have you ever cleaned up the trash and cleared snow? If so, what are your methods?
8) I constantly work with devotion and am motivated to improve my job quality; therefore, I usually accept instructions and criticism quite positively and adjust my service quality accordingly. How do you respond when someone criticizes you?
9) Do you feel more at ease working in a group or alone? I have experience working in a group environment for a large organization, and I liked that kind of setup because it allowed us to easily switch shifts or responsibilities if someone needed to take time off. Additionally, I have a track record of working independently without supervision.

10) What appeals to you most about cleaning tasks? I enjoy physically demanding jobs, which is why I enjoy cleaning duties.
11) I love every element of my work as a cleaner; therefore, I am not sure what I despise the most about it. Maybe something specific?
12) I am proficient in using a broad range of instruments and apparatus, such as cleaning chemicals, disinfection liquids, mops, brooms, vacuum cleaners, and industrial sweepers. What types of cleaning tools and products are you familiar with?
13) Do you prefer working in a team setting or alone? Since cleaning requires collaboration, I think working in a team setting is crucial, but I can also function well on my own if necessary.
14) How often should one clean tools and equipment? I think it is important to clean the tools and equipment I use on a daily basis because I think preventative maintenance is preferable to having to replace equipment frequently.
15) As someone who genuinely believes that a cleaner’s work should be seen, but a cleaner shouldn’t, how do you approach cleaning around people? I make sure to keep a low profile and wait until a certain area is vacant, and when the floor is wet, I post signs to ensure people’s safety.
16) Do you have any experience cleaning electronics, like computer screens? Absolutely, cleaning computers and other peripherals is a requirement at my current job. I am aware of the best cleaning solutions to use and how to use specialized cloths to clean these kinds of devices with care.

17) How much experience do you have with outdoor cleaning? I am capable of cleaning both indoor and outdoor spaces. I can clean and maintain grounds, driveways, and walks efficiently. I also have expertise with grounds care in accordance with gardeners and landscape artists.
18) I have no problem doing any kind of cleaning, so I do not mind doing any particular kind of cleaning.
19) What would you do if you came across a personal item while cleaning and you had no idea who owned it? I would give it to my supervisor and let them know where I found it, so they could easily track down the owner.
20) I have not yet come across an instance like this, but if I do, I will stop them and report them right away. Have you ever witnessed a colleague steal? If yes, what would you do in such a situation?
21) How do you prioritize your tasks when working on various cleaning projects? I start with the most critical ones and work my way down to the less significant ones.
22) No matter how many times someone spills something, it is my responsibility to clean. What would you do if they kept pouring things that were hard to clean?
23) What is your strongest suit? Managing several cleaning tasks concurrently is my strongest suit.
24) What is your greatest weakness? I think I need to give myself more breaks to avoid burning out too soon since there are moments when I just do not know when to stop.

25) How do you manage trash? I take out the trash every day, sometimes more than once. I make sure to separate plastic, paper, and metals and put them in the appropriate containers. After that, I make sure that the trash is disposed of appropriately and does not endanger anyone.
26) Have you ever resigned a job, and if so, why? I have quit two jobs: the first was due to a work transfer, and the second was because I felt that I was not learning anything at all.
27) Because I am physically strong and dexterous, I do not mind working in an atmosphere where I have to be on my feet all the time—in fact, being on my feet all day makes for a great night’s sleep!
28) What additional work have you done besides the routine cleaning procedures? I have polished furniture, fixtures, and room accessories in addition to the routine cleaning procedures.
29) What is your opinion on moving heavy furniture around? I do not mind at all and believe that it is an essential part of the labor that needs to be done if one wants to clean properly.
30) Why do you wish to leave your current position? The company I work for is going through some structural changes, and I feel that after these are finished, my work will not be as challenging as it is now. For this reason, I want to move on to a place where I can continue to grow professionally and eventually make a bigger contribution as well.
31) What do you think your greatest professional accomplishment has been? My greatest professional accomplishment has been optimizing a hospital waste disposal system while I worked there, which has decreased the risk to human life.

32) The last time a coworker became irate with you, tell me about it. I used to work with another cleaner who insisted on using a hazardous cleaning chemical, and I voiced my concerns because we were in a school and had kids to watch out for. He became very agitated and raised his voice, and I tried to talk him down, but to no avail. Eventually, I had to report the incident to my manager because I could not allow anyone to be affected by the chemical.
33) Describe your ideal career. I would like a position where I am happy to work.
34) Which type of work environment do you prefer? I enjoy working in environments where I am always learning. I also appreciate tough environments.
35) What was the hardest decision you had to make in the previous few months? Changing jobs was definitely the hardest decision I had to make in a long time.
36) What kind of leadership do you think you possess? I think I lead by example, inspiring and motivating my team members all the time.
37) What do you think others will say about you? I am sure they will say I am a very talented, self-driven, and amazing worker. I also think they will tell you that my work speaks for itself.
38) What are your hobbies and interests outside of work? I am not one for sitting around. I enjoy seeing movies and listening to excellent music. I am also a really good guitarist, so I frequently get together with my friends to jam.

39) What sets you apart from the rest? I am a unique person because I can work in any kind of workplace and get along with individuals from all different backgrounds.
40) How do you manage stress? I find that deep breathing exercises and frequent meditation help me manage stress well.
41) Would you say that having good customer service abilities is essential for your line of work? Absolutely. I think that having good customer service skills is crucial for any line of work.

42) Have you ever quit a job, and if so, why? My family was moving to a new city, so I did.
Advice: Do not ever mention anything bad about your former company.
43) What are your plans for the next five years? I want to work as a supervisor so I can train and manage housekeeping personnel and cleaners.
44) Do you have any questions for me?
Yes. I would love to know more about your training methods and retention policies.