There are four categories for when LOLER inspections are required.
These include:
What is LOLER inspection and how is it done?
A) Before first-time use:
If the lift was assembled on-site, the lift must receive a LOLER inspection from a competent person in order to guarantee that the assembly of the lift was completed correctly and safely. However, if the lifting equipment and lifting tools have a declaration of conformity that is less than one year old and were not assembled on site, a LOLER inspection will not need to take place.
B) Following exceptional circumstances:
If any exceptional circumstances occur that have the potential to jeopardize the safety of the lifting equipment in use, a LOLER inspection will be required. This can include:
. Damage or failure
. Being out of use for long periods
. Major changes or alterations that could affect the equipment’s integrity.
C) After assembly and before use at each location:
For equipment that requires assembly or installation before use, such as tower cranes.
D) Regularly, while it is in service:
If the lifting equipment is exposed to any conditions that may cause deterioration, such as weather, or if the lifting equipment is subject to wear and tear, regular in-service LOLER inspections will be required. In this instance, you have the choice of:

Also, read more: LOLER STANDARD
1) Arrange for thorough examinations to be conducted at specified intervals of either every 6 or 12 months, depending on the equipment.
2) Carrying out examinations in accordance with a proper examination scheme drawn up by a competent person.
LOLER is an inspection organizer that provides that certification, which is the lifting and equipment’s proper quality check and inspection, and then gives permission after verifying it.