
Spreader bar vs Lifting Beam: A Competitive Analysis Lifting Beam Definition

When lifting slings are used to handle the bags, the slant rubbing of the slings causes minor damage to the bags during a lift. Such damages can be prevented and the lifting can be made easier with the help of below-the-hook devices like spreader beams and lifting beams, but there are some differences between the spreader beams and the lifting beams. Both of them serve the purpose of supporting a lifting beam and stabilizing a load during an overhead lift. They are among the most popular below-the-hook lifting devices. Here, we will try to clear up the confusion regarding the differences between these beams. Well, the main difference is the type of applied force. So, let us conduct a competitive analysis between these beams.


 Lifting beams are defined as beams that experience bending stress from loads, whereas spreader beams are defined as beams that experience compressive stress from loads.

Spreader beam

Pros of Spreader Beams

In the case of slings, spreader beams can convert lifting loads into tensile forces; similarly, in the case of bars, they convert the load into compressive strength. Their efficiency is guaranteed by their relatively small size and light weight; their design also makes them less costly.
Cons of Spreader Beams: Firstly, they have two lifting points instead of one, so the beams have an evenly distributed force. Secondly, they are ideal if you plan to lift heavy loads. They are also efficient enough to control the load, but you have to rig it correctly. Lastly, you can engineer them to your specifications. You can change the beam length or the sling’s angle incrementally.

Also read more: Spreader Beams vs. Lifting Beams:

If you have uneven loads or long beams, you may need to use a tagline to support the load. If you have to keep the bags all the time, lifting beams are your best option because they will give you more lifting points than spreader beams. Spreader beams require more headroom than lifting beams because they cover the top rigging, which has wire rope, nylon slings, or chain slings.

Pros of Lifting beam

Lifting beams are the ideal option when dealing with shorter spans or small lifts since they require less headroom than spreader beams because they have a single bail attachment at the center top.
You will have a lot of lifting points under a lifting beam, so you can design it with variable lifting lugs or fixed lugs. Both are good for a range of applications and can lift different kinds of loads. Lifting beams are good if your loads are weak or flexible. If your loads are long sheets of metal, for example, a lifting crane will work great for you.
Cons of Lifting beam

Lifting beams are more expensive, which is a major drawback that will put the spreader beams slightly ahead of the lifting beams. They are also more stiff and require more materials, which makes them heavier than the spreader beams.
The variables that determine whether to employ a lifting beam or a spreader beam include maintaining load level, preventing tipping or spinning of the weight, and maybe requiring the use of a tagline.

In the case of unbalanced loads, you can set or personalize both beams. You can also modify the off-center loads.

We trust that you have a clear understanding of the main distinctions between lifting and spreading beams at this point. Nevertheless, before purchasing these beams, keep the following things in mind:

Load material and shape.
The weight as well as the span of the load.
The way of lifting the load.
Place where you are lifting the load.
In addition to these, there are other factors that affect its use. For instance, the length of the load is a crucial factor. Spreader beams are the best option if the load is heavy. If the load must be supported throughout your operations, lifting beams are the recommended solution. The location of the functions should be carefully considered. If you have low headroom or height issues, lifting beams are the recommended solution.

That is all there is to it when it comes to lifting beams and spreader beams. Each has advantages and disadvantages, so you will need to make a decision based on your needs. Pay close attention to the points that are written, and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact LOADMATE. Our application experts will be happy to help you with your needs.

A thrilling battle for supremacy!

Lifting beams and spreader beams, the two heavy lifting industry leaders, are in a power struggle that will change the way heavy lifting is done. This blog examines the exciting battle between these two formidable tools, highlighting their distinct features and advantages.

Lifting Beams: The Elegant Titans of the Lifting World

Think of lifting beams as a majestic giant, expertly crafted to lift awkward loads with grace and precision. Their straightforward yet efficient design evenly distributes weight, which makes them perfect for lifting long or thin items like machinery, pipes, or sheets. As the tension builds, lifting beams demonstrate their versatility by easily adapting to different load configurations.

Spreader Beams: The Daredevil Warriors of Heavy Lifting

Imagine them as the daredevil warriors of the lifting world, prepared to take on the most difficult challenges. In the opposite corner are the fearless Spreader Beams, renowned for their unparalleled ability to handle bulky and unevenly balanced loads. Spreader beams feature adjustable hooks or lugs on either end, allowing for dynamic load positioning and stability throughout the lift.

Clash of the Titans: Comparing Designs and Features

The thrilling contest between lifting beams and spreader beams is about to start. Which will win—the graceful Titans of Lifting Beams showcasing their skill, or the fearless Warriors of Spreader Beams showcasing their raw power?

The Competitive Edge: Lifting Beams

The competitive edge: Spreader Beams Improved stability and control during lifts Versatility in managing varied load configurations Superior load distribution is appropriate for elongated loads

Handles large and unbalanced weights with ease; dynamically positions loads for optimal lifts; provides exceptional stability in difficult lifting situations; User Experience: An Elegant Journey to Remember

The blog’s captivating narrative guarantees that readers feel like true adventurers in the world of lifting equipment. As the exciting analysis unfolds, readers find themselves immersed in the world of heavy lifting. With every turn of the page, they gain valuable insights into the strengths and applications of both lifting beams and spreader beams.

Lifting Beams and Spreader Beams Unite: The Lifting Spreader Bar

Surprisingly, the blog unveils a special hybrid: the Lifting Spreader Bar. This adaptable hero, the ideal combination of lifting beams and spreading beams, captures the best of both worlds with its adjustable features and equal weight distribution capabilities, making for an exciting contest finale.

Final Touch

The contest gives an unforgettable and elegant user experience with Lifting Beams’ elegance, Spreader Beams’ daring, and Lifting Spreader Bar’s variety. The contest between Lifting Beams and Spreader Beams exhibits great skills, leaving readers in amazement.

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