Scaffolding Standards Saudi Aramco rules and regulations: Scaffold Work

Anchorage Safe points of anchorage for lifelines or lanyards, which are part of a personalfall arrest system, including fixed, substantial structural members. Anchorage points shallbe fixed and able to support a load of at least 2,300 kilograms (5,000 pounds).Base Plate A steel plate providing a flat bearing surface with a spigot or screw jack fordistributing…

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Scaffolding Training

Scaffolding Training: Good & Bad Theory & Practice

What is scaffolding training?Why Scaffolding Training is a must in constructionThe purpose of scaffolding training is to improve the safety standards of scaffolds and their workers. Field training provides greater practical guidance to make skilled, certified, and knowledgeable scaffold team members to ensure the safe execution of scaffolding work.The aim of this scaffolding training is…

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