
Top 45 Interview Cleaner Position Questions and Answers In 2024: Latest Update

Top 45 Interviews: Cleaner and Housekeeping Important skills

1) Tell me a little bit about yourself.
I have worked as a cleaner for 10+ years in schools, residential and corporate buildings, and businesses. I have great ability to complete cleaning duties with the appropriate supplies and tools. I love my work, and I continuously strive to make a difference and learn more about it in order to further excel.

2) What are some of the tasks you have carried out in your capacity as a cleaner?
As a cleaner, I have been busy performing many duties, such as sweeping and mopping, cleaning counters, and washing carpets and drapes. Furthermore, I have managed tasks such as carrying out and recording standard inspection and maintenance procedures. Furthermore, I have stocked and maintained supply rooms and managed waste.

3) How did you find out about this job?
You were searching for extra cleaners to round out the squad, according to a friend of mine who works for your company as a cleaner.

4) Which type of cleaning apparatus are you acquainted with?
I know how to use utility carts, floor buffers, dust extractors, vacuum cleaners, and automatic floor scrubbers.

5) What are some of the qualities that make you the right candidate for this position?
I am a seasoned cleaner with a thorough understanding of sophisticated cleaning techniques. I also get along well with people, have good communication skills, and can fully take and follow instructions. In addition, I am always on time and have a history of upholding high standards of hygiene and cleanliness at my previous jobs.

6) Which actions by other people aggravate you the most, and how do you respond to them?
Actually, I do not find it offensive when someone uses bad language. For that reason, I normally do not react to it; instead, I just keep quiet and get on with my work.

7) Have you ever plowed snow and removed trash? If so, what techniques do you employ?
I have received training in the safe and environmentally responsible removal of waste. I am skilled at clearing snow off pavements using snow blowers and shovels.

8) How do you react when somebody criticizes you?
I always work with dedication and am willing to improve my work quality, so I usually take instructions and criticism very positively and make adaptations to my service quality accordingly.

9) Do you feel more at ease working in a group or on your own?
I have experience working in a group environment for a large organization. I liked working in a group environment since it was convenient to switch hours or responsibilities if someone wanted to take a leave of absence. I also have a track record of working independently without supervision.

10) What do you like best about cleaning work?
I enjoy physically demanding jobs, which is why I enjoy cleaning.

11) What aspect of cleaning is your least favorite?
I love all aspects of my work and cannot think of a single thing that I dislike about it.

12) Which brands and types of cleaning supplies are you familiar with?
I am well-versed in using a wide variety of tools and equipment, including cleaning agents, disinfection liquids, mops, brooms, vacuum cleaners, and industrial sweepers.

13) Which type of work do you prefer—independent or collaborative?
Working in a team atmosphere is crucial because, in my opinion, cleaning is a team effort, but I can also function pretty well on my own if necessary.

14) How often do you think cleaning tools and equipment should be done?
I think it is better to perform preventative maintenance on the tools and equipment I use on a daily basis rather than having to replace them too frequently.

15) How do you go about cleaning when people are around?
I really feel that a cleaner should not be visible, but their work should be. If I have to work in an area where people are present, I make sure to keep a low profile, wait until a certain area is free, and post notices to ensure people’s safety when the floor is wet.

16) Do you have any experience cleaning equipment, such as computer screens?
Yes, I now work at a place where I have to clean computers and other peripheral devices. I am aware of the best cleaning solutions to use, and I know how to use specially made cloths to clean these kinds of equipment with care and efficiency.

17) What is your experience with outdoor cleaning?
I am competent at cleaning indoors and outdoors. I am proficient in washing and cleaning grounds, driveways, and pathways. Grounds maintenance in alignment with gardeners and landscape artists is also an area of strength.

18) Do you have a certain housekeeping task that you dislike doing?
No, I do not mind performing various cleaning duties.

19) If you found a personal item while cleaning and did not know who it belonged to, what would you do?
I would give it to my supervisor and tell them where I found it so that it would be easy for them to find the owner.

20) Have you ever seen a coworker steal? In that case, how would you respond?
I have not yet encountered one of these occurrences. However, if I come across something like this, I will stop them and report them immediately.

21) How do you handle handling several cleaning chores at once?
I set my priorities in such a way that I do the most important ones first. And then tackle the rest.

22) If someone continued dropping things that were hard to clean up, how would you respond?
Regardless of how many times someone has dropped something, cleaning is my responsibility.

23) What is your greatest strength?
My capacity to manage several cleaning chores at once is my strongest suit.

24) What is your biggest weakness?
Sometimes I just do not know when to give up. I believe that in order to avoid burning out too soon, I need to give myself more breaks.

25) How do you handle trash management?
I make sure to separate metals, paper, and plastic and place them in the appropriate receptacles when I take out the garbage every day, often more than once. And then I ensure that trash is properly disposed of and does not pose a threat to anyone.

26) Have you ever quit a job? Tell me why.
I have quit two jobs. The first was a result of having to relocate to a new city, and the second was a result of feeling like I was not learning anything.

27) What is your attitude towards working in a setting where you are constantly on your feet?
Because I am physically strong and dexterous, I do not mind working on my feet—in fact, standing all day means I get to sleep in a beautiful night’s sleep!

28) Apart from standard cleaning procedures, what other work have you performed?
In addition to the routine cleaning procedures, I have polished fixtures, furniture, and room accents.

29) What are your thoughts on rearranging bulky furniture?
I do not mind at all and believe that shifting furniture is an essential part of the job that needs to be done if one wants to clean properly.

30) What makes you desire to quit your current position?
I want to move on to a place where I can learn more and eventually contribute more since I feel that once these structural changes are over, my work will not be as tough as it is now at the company where I work.

31) What do you think has been your greatest success in your line of work?
My greatest professional accomplishment was optimizing a hospital’s waste disposal system while I was employed, which decreased the risk to people’s lives.

Credit: Careervidz English Interview Skills For beginners

32) When was the last time a coworker expressed anger towards you?
When a coworker insisted on using a hazardous cleaning chemical, I voiced my concerns because we were working in a school and there were kids to watch out for. He became agitated and raised his voice, and I tried to talk him down, but to no avail. In the end, I had to let my management know about the occurrence since I could not allow the chemical’s possible consequences to hurt anyone.

33) Describe your dream job.
My dream job is one where I enjoy doing my work.

34) Which type of setting is your favorite?
I enjoy working in settings where I am always learning. I also do well in demanding conditions.

35) What was the most difficult choice you had to make in the last several months?
I think the hardest decision I have had to make in a long time was the choice to change careers.

36) What is your leadership style?
Since I lead by example, I believe I am an excellent leader. I lead my team to success by constantly encouraging and motivating them.

37) What do you believe others will say about you?
I am sure that people would say that I am an excellent worker who is self-motivated and exceptionally talented. They should also tell you that my work speaks for itself, I hope.

38) What are your hobbies while you are not working?
I do not like sitting idle. In addition to being an avid moviegoer and music lover, I am also a proficient guitarist who enjoys getting together with friends for jam sessions.

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39) What makes you unique?
The fact that I can fit into any work environment and interact with people from all walks of life makes me a unique individual.

40) How do you handle stress?
I do a lot of meditation and breathing exercises, which help me handle stress effectively.

41) Do you believe that having strong customer service abilities is essential for your line of work?
Absolutely. I feel that customer service skills are important, no matter which position you are in.

42) Did you ever quit a job? Why?
I did it once, since my family was moving to another city.

Advice: Do not ever mention anything bad about your former company.

43) What are your 5-year plans?
In the future, I hope to hold a managerial position where I can guide and advise housekeeping and cleaning staff members.

44) Do you have any questions for me?
Yes, please tell me more about your policy on retention and training.

45) When was the last time a coworker expressed anger towards you?
I once had a coworker who insisted on using a hazardous cleaning chemical, and I told him that I was concerned because we were working in a school and there were kids around. He became very agitated and raised his voice, and I tried to talk him down, but to no avail. Ultimately, I had to inform my management about the occurrence, as I could not allow the chemicals to cause harm to anyone.

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